A brightspark photographer has put together some perfect pictures of cute puppies posing in hammocks. 一位才华横溢的摄影师拍摄了一组可爱狗狗躺在吊床里的完美画面。 John Daniels compiled the collection of heartwarming camera shots to celebrate National Pet Day on Saturday. 约翰.丹尼尔斯编辑这组暖心的照片是为了庆祝周六的国际宠物节。 The Surrey 61-year-old used a number of comical props in front of white studio backgrounds to collate the different images. 61岁的萨里在工作室里,以白色作为背景使用了大量的有趣视角拍摄出这些不同的照片。 And with having decades of experience working with animals, he knew a number of tricks to ensure the pets stayed relaxed for the photos. 因为有着几十年和动物打交道的经验,萨里知道很多确保能让宠物们在镜头前自然展现的技巧。 He said: "I use the studio because I can't rely on the British weather, I've had to cancel shoots in the past, so using the studio and building a set means it's one less thing to worry about. 他说:“我之所以选择在工作室里拍摄,是因为我不敢指望英国的天气。在过去我有过因为天气不得不取消拍摄的经历,所以在有全套设备的工作室里拍摄意味着我可以少费点心。” "Photographing any animal can be tricky and with shoots outside there is more chance of the animal escaping or being frightened by the big outdoors. “拍摄动物是一项复杂的工作,如果在户外拍摄,他们逃跑的可能性更多,也可能会因为其他的东西被惊吓到 "I have very good animal handlers that I use, they have lots of contacts in the animal world and tell me what's available at any time. “我知道很多怎么样掌控动物的技巧,动物们相互之间会有很多接触和交流,这些会告诉我什么时候是拍摄的最好时机。 "The hardest part is timing, I have to get each animal at the right age, so hatching eggs to coincide with kittens or puppies takes a bit of planning. “拍摄最难的是得抓准时间点,我必须挑一些年龄正好适合的动物,因此拍摄一只小猫小狗孵蛋的照片就需要多花点时间做计划。 "I've found that the older the animal is the harder it is to get it to sit with another, when they are very young they don't really know whats going on, and a ducking will happily snuggle up to a kitten or anything else that feels cosy. “我发现年龄越大的动物越难跟其他动物相处,如果动物年龄越小,他们懂的也越少,因此一只鸭子也可能依偎在一只猫咪身上或者其他使他感到舒服的任何动物旁边。 "I never force an animal to do anything, so if they don't look happy it won’t look good in the picture and we try something else, or give them time to settle. “我从不强迫他们做任何动作,因为如果他们感觉不舒服,拍摄出来的照片也不会好看。所以可能我们会尝试其他的姿势,或者给他们时间调整。 "All the animals react in different ways, so it’s quite often trial and error. “因为每个动物的反应都不同,所以有时需要反复尝试。 "I love working with any animal, wild or domestic, its a privilege to be able to. “我喜欢和动物们一起工作,不管是野生的还是驯养的,这种能力就像上帝赋予的某种特权。”
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