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  7. A criminal justice degree

  This is probably not going to land you a job in very many bigbusiness corporations, but it is certainly going to get you a lotof work from both large and small information disseminationcompanies (and there are more than you think). A journalism degreeis useful because it has a funny knack of allowing you to get bothcontract and freelance work whenever you want it. Many journalistswork beyond their retirement age simply because they can.


  2. A marketing degree

  9. 新闻专业

  6. An education degree



  5. 计算机工程学位

  4. An information science degree

  1. 会计学位

  Here are ten college degrees that will either get you a verysafe job, a very highly paid job, or a job wherever you please.Those are the three selling points of a useful degree. The abilityto pick a company, work for it and build a career is a very handytalent to have, as is finding a job where your department will bethe last one to be shut down. Furthermore, the qualifications thatget you a highly paid job may set you up very nicely in the future,so that you don’t have to pinch pennies into your old age.


  Computer science education is highly oriented towards theworld of business, so you can easily meet the labor market’srequirements with this type of degree. In this profession, you willadjust old software to modified requirements and develop newsoftware that will improve the work of the company that has hiredyou. This is a challenging job description that will inspire you todo the best you can in order to contribute to the success of yourcompany’s projects. Needless to say, computer science graduates arealways needed in the job market, and many business owners arewilling to pay good money for their work. As you increase yourprofessional experience, you will be able to advance your careerand start co-ordinating these types of projects.

  8. A computer science degree

  This is something that will put you one step ahead of mostmodern business executives. Many people enter a large corporatebusiness with some form of business education, but if you have adegree in marketing then you get to work in the most interestingdepartment in the whole company. As the senior executives worryabout the falling stock price, you are getting paid for the jinglesyou wrote whilst in the bath!

  9. A journalism degree

  Almost any qualification that has something to do withcomputers is a good thing in this day and age. But, a computerengineering degree is going to place you above your competitorsbecause most middle to larger companies need to have at least onecomputer engineer on staff. They do things such as building ormaintaining networks, computer systems and computer software. Manycompanies are also looking for computer engineers to help designnew software, so your degree will be in high demand.

  This is usually made up of a degree in one subject, and then afurther qualification so that you can be a teacher. The job is notthe most glamorous in the country, but it is certainly a job thatis in high demand. British sociologists have also proven thatpeople with education qualifications are also more likely to beplaced in a higher management position within ten years of gettingtheir qualification.



  8. 计算机科学学位

  1. An accounting degree




  3. A business administration degree

  Accountants are people who senior managers and businessleaders trust because they have to. Most business leaders andmanagers do not have the time to go through all of their accountsthemselves, so must trust the work and expertise of a person withan accounting degree. That is why many accountants are paid highly,and why managers and business owners are often very aggressive intheir retention of them.

  This is not the most glamorous degree and it will not get youa job working with the famous or the beautiful, but it will get youa very safe job in many, many companies. You can basically pick thecompany you want to work for, and choose the field that you feelsuits you the best. The business administration staff are theunsung and forgotten heroes that make up the backbone of anybusiness.

  10. A




  4. 信息科学学位

  6. 教育学位

  This may not buy you a very good position in the businessworld, but it will certainly get you a very high-paying job in thelegal world. There are even big companies that set up their ownlegal department, where a criminal justice degree is going to buyyou a lucrative—and very safe—job. This is a degree that allows youto both find a high-paying job and gain the respect of yourpeers.


  5. A computer engineering degree

  2. 市场营销学位

  7. 刑事司法学位

  3. 企业管理学位

  This is a degree that is going to make you the shining star ofwhichever business concern you join. The ability to build awebsite, or build and maintain a computer system is a skill that isin high demand.




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