Don’t say, “This may be a silly idea, but I was thinking that maybewe might conduct the quarterly meeting online instead, okay?”Instead, assert your recommendation: “To reduce travel costs andincrease time efficiency, I recommend we conduct the quarterlymeeting online.”
Instead, try something like, “I’ll be glad to check on it again,”“Let’s discuss what’s possible under these circumstances,” or,“What I can do is this.”
You probably wouldn’t be thrilled if someone said: “You shouldhave told me about this sooner!” Or, “You could have tried a littleharder.” Chances are, these fault-finding wordsinflict feelings of blame andfinger-pointing. Ideally, the workplace fosters equality, collaboration andteamwork. Instead of making someone feel guilty (even if they are),take a more productive non-judgmental approach. Say, “Next time, toensure proper planning, please bring this to my attentionimmediately.” Or, “In the future, I recommend…”
13. “我现在没有时间”或“我都忙死了”
8. “那不可能”或“我一筹莫展”
11. “I may be wrong, but…” or “This may be a silly idea,but…”
13. “I don’t have time for this right now,” or “I’m toobusy.”
11. “有可能是我错了,但……”或“这个想法或许有点蠢,但……”
12. “Don’t you think?” or “Okay?”
Reserve the phrase “you guys” for friendly casual conversations andavoid using it in business. Referring to a group of people as ‘youguys’ is not only inaccurate if women are present, it is slang andlowers your level of professionalism. With fellow professionalssuch as your boss, co-workers andclients, substitute “you guys” withterms such as “your organization” or “your team” or simply“you.”
effective leaders value innovation, creative thinking and problem solvingskills in their employees. In one fell swoop, thisphrase reveals you are the opposite: stuck in thepast, inflexible, and closed-minded. Instead say, ‘Wow,that’s an interesting idea. How would that work?’ Or, ‘That’s adifferent approach. Let’s discuss the pros and cons.’
10. “伙计们。”
Even if these statements are true, no one wants to feel lessimportant than something or someone else. To foster positiverelations and convey empathy,say instead: I’d be happy to discuss this with you after my morningmeetings. May I stop by your office around 1pm?”
Imagine an investment banker saying, “This is a good way to investyour money, don’t you think? I’ll proceed,if that’s okay with you.” Instead, you’d probably want to hearsomething like: “This strategy is a wise investment that provideslong-term benefits. With your approval,I’ll wire the money by 5pmtoday.”
These are common phrases that might be difficult to eliminatecompletely from your everyday conversations—but the trick is togain awareness of the language you’re using. As is often the casewith bad habits, we are unconscious of the fact we’re sayingcareer-limiting words and phrases.
12. “你不觉得吗?”或“好吗?”
These phrases are commonly known ashedging—seeking validation through the use ofoverly cautious or non-committal words. Ifyou truly are seeking approval or looking for validation, thesephrases may well apply. However, if your goal is to communicate aconfident commanding message and persuade people to see it your way,instead of hedging make your statement or recommendation withcertainty.
10. “You guys.”
Really? Are you sure you’ve considered every single possiblesolution and the list is nowexhausted? When you make the mistake of saying thesenegative phrases, your words convey a pessimistic, passive, even hopeless outlook. Thisapproach is seldom valued in the workplace. Employers notice,recognize and promote a can-do attitude. Despite theglum circumstances, communicatethrough your words what you can contribute to the situation.
These phrases are known as discounting.They diminish the impact of what followsand reduce your credibility. Remember that your spoken words reveal tothe world how much value you place on yourself and your message.For this reason, eliminate any prefacing phrase thatdemeans the importance of who you are or lessens the significanceof what you contribute.
9. “You should have…” or “You could have…”
8. “That’s impossible” or “There’s nothing I cando.”
9. “你本应该……”或“你本可以……”
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