Social media narcissist refers to people who‘re curating social media images of themselves。
One of the most common refrains about the explosive growth of social media is that it makes many of us “narcissistic。” Too many people stare too intently at their highly curated images and plunge through our screens into a bottomless sea of inauthenticity。
For millions of people, a social media bubble inflates every day, as their key indicators—likes! endorsements! Klout scores! clickthroughs! -soar。
Unfortunately, these misguided measures exert great and growing influence on how we manage our lives and businesses while reflecting our social media misuse。 If we don‘t pop our virtual personal bubbles, we can be in for a world of very real hurt。
To be sure, we need the healthy form of narcissism more than ever。 We need to thoughtfully participate in the interconnected world—and social media platforms and tools, used correctly, are an incredibly effective way to do so。 But these tools only work if we use them as intended。 This requires some narcissism, the self-regard necessary to express our authentic selves – but not the obsession with image that caused Narcissus‘ untimely end。
可以肯定的是,我们比以往任何时候都需要一种健康的“自恋”。在参与和融入到这个互联互通的世界中时,我们必须要做到深思熟虑。在使用得当的前提下,社交媒体平台和工具会成为一个非常有效的工具,但是这些工具也只有在人们合理使用之时才能发挥作用。人们在表达真实的自我时,的确需要一定程度自恋和自爱,但是这种自恋却并不是痴迷于自己的虚拟的形象,否则就会像纳西索斯一样,落得个悲剧性的结局。(中国日报网英语点津 丁一)
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