10、继续交友并维持友谊Keep Building and Maintaining YourFriendships
获得更多额外技能可增加你自身的价值,不论是学习新语种、HTML或其它工作所需的技能均可。这样不但能拓宽你的工作选择余地,还能锻炼你的大脑,让你更快乐。永远不要停止学习。Youcan become more hireable by developing additional skills, whetherit’s a new language,HTML, or any other skill valued in theworkplace. It could not only broaden your job and career options,learning new skills can boost your brain and make you happier.Never stop learning.
大学毕业后交朋友很难,不过一段重要的友谊能给你未来几十年生活的各方面造成很大影响。因此不管你是否很忙,你都应该继续同你现在的朋友保持联系并交新朋友。Makingfriends after college is hard, but meaningful friendships make abig difference on almost every aspect of your life for decades tocome. So make an effort to stay in touch with the friends closestto you now and make new friends even as you get busy with work.
学生贷款可能会令人压力很大,不过这并不是你逃避的理由。错过一次还款日期并不是天塌地陷的大事,不过你应该主动还款以免给你的信用带来问题。Hugestudent loan debt can be overwhelming, but there are several waysyou can pay it off more easily or even get the loan paid off byyour employer. Working in a rural opportunity zoneis anotheroption. Missing one student loan payment isn’t the end of theworld, but you should be proactive in keeping up with your paymentsor else your credit can really get ruined and worse.
5、好好安排你的钱Get Your Money in Order
由于寝室条件限制,并非所有人都能学会做饭。学会一些做饭的基本技能,知道怎么做一些家常菜才能慢慢学会做更多菜。Giventhe tiny (or nonexistent) kitchens most college students deal withand perhaps too much prior assistance from Mom & Dadrestaurant, cooking isn’t a skill universal to college grads. Pickup some essential kitchen skills, learn how to make some basicmeals and still stay within your food budget, and brush up on othertop cooking tips you should know.
如果你大学毕业了,不知道下一步该干嘛,那么可选择去读研究生。搞清楚研究生学历是否值得以及你是否应该去读研。If you’regraduating college and still don’t know what to do next, graduateschool is an option.Figure out which graduate degrees are worth thedebt and find out if graduate school might be worth it for you.
2、为你的第一份工作做准备Prepare for Your First Job
去看看世界,去约会,提出自己的创意项目,用新方式看待世界。生活就像电子游戏,因此你要将你的时间和精力花在最重要的地方。Yourcareer might be your main focus as you leave college, but rememberthat work isn’t everything either (and you don’t want to burn out).Go see the world, even on a budget or for free. Go on dates. Keepup your own creative side projects. Challenge yourself to see theworld in new ways. (Yes, take the commencement speech to heart.)Life is like a video game, so spend your time and energy in themost important areas.
4、额外掌握一些技能Work on Gaining AdditionalSkills
1、思考除了工作之外的事情Think Beyond Work
9、知道如何看待你那“无用的”大学文凭Know How to Brand Your “Useless”College Degree
大学毕业后你能自由选择去任何地方。你可能想待在自己目前待的位置或者回家乡,不过如果你正考虑找工作,就要找一个好一点的地方住。如果你搬到一个新地方,好好规划的话还是能在物价高昂的城市用你有限的薪水活下来。Aftercollege, you have the freedom to go anywhere. You might want tostay where you are or move back to your hometown, which is finetoo, but if you’re considering where to head to find a new job,check out our roundup of tips for finding the best place to live.If you do move to a new area, here’s how to easily settle downthere—even if it’s an expensive city and you’ve got a limitedbudget.
也许你在大学曾做过兼职,不过一旦你的毕业证拿到手,你就应该全力钻研你想做的工作。就算你简历上没什么工作经历可以粉饰,不过你的个人项目还是能为你的简历加不少分。一旦开始工作,就要开始做规划了:做事要有条理、永远不要错过你的截止日期以及注意公司文化等等。也别太在意你的雇主,毕竟你所工作的公司不是你的朋友。Youmight have held jobs in college, but once you’ve got your diplomain hand, it’s time to completely dive into the work you want to do.Learn how to ace your job interview and create a great resume. Eventhough you might not have a ton of relevant work experience to puton the resume, you can still beef up your resume by adding personalprojects on it. Once you land the job, learn the basics ofnavigating your first job: stay organized and never miss yourdeadlines, pay attention to the company culture, and more. Don’tget too wooed by your employer, however—remember that the companyyou work for is not your friend.
7、搞清楚研究生是否值得读Figure Out If Grad School Is WorthIt
也许你有学生贷款和其它债务要还,而你的父母也无法帮你太多,那么你就必须好好安排自己的收入。另外,虽然退休看似很遥远,但现在正是你为退休投资的好时候,即便你能存下来的钱并不多。Onceout of college, your financial picture will probably change. Maybeyou have student loans and other debt to deal with, no more supportfrom your parents, and income that you have to budget. Here’s ourguide to managing your finances and tackling debt. By the way,recent (and current) students can expect some unique breaks fromthe tax man. Keep this in mind when April 15 rolls around again andyou can get some financial relief. Also, even though retirementmight seem like a distant, vague event, now’s the best time tostart investing for your retirement, even if you can put just alittle aside.
3、处理学生贷款Deal with Those Student Loans
6、找到合适的居住地Find the Best Place to Live
并非每个人都能拥有好文凭。如果你的文凭一般甚至糟糕,也不是毫无希望。Noteveryone graduates with one of the best-paying degrees. If yours isamong those with the worst return on your money, not all hope islost. During your job search, even a “useless” degreecan be shownas valuable.
8、真正开始做饭Start Cooking for Real
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